Holiday Gift Guide 2016: a KidsOutAndAbout Resource | Kids Out and About Vancouver

Holiday Gift Guide 2016: a KidsOutAndAbout Resource

When everyone else is shopping at the same old stores choosing from the same stash of gifts, you'll be picking up the presents that really get the ooh's and ahh's. We know how much you trust KidsOutAndAbout, so we've tested out these products personally and offered our honest recommendations.


For expectecting moms and infants...

Baby Products Guide featuring Quintessential Mommy, My Brest Friend, and Baby Comfy Care.


For kids and families all year round...

Favorite Subscription Box Services featuring Crafty Kid Box, Little PNuts, Green Kid Crafts, Uppercase, Walmart Beauty Box, and Love With Food.

Great Party Games & Toys featuring Blue Orange Games and MagFormers

Obstacle House from Brains & Brawn


For the foodie...

HelloFresh vs the Skeptic featuring HelloFresh grocery delivery and menu planning service.


For the fashionista...

Biscotti and Kate Mack Specialty Girls' Clothing featuring durable and trendy designer girls' dresses and coats


For the outdoorsy type...

Little Leaves Protective Clothing featuring durable, comfortable clothing that boasts an SPF of 50

Insect Shield Clothing featuring odorless insect-repelling clothing for hiking and camping

Ski Skooter offers a fun take on sledding

Astronomy Gifts for Kids - Unleash their inner star gazer!


