| Kids Out and About Vancouver
Sun, 12/29/2024 -
Sat, 1/4/2025
Title Description
Jump Gymnastics - North Vancouver Winter Camp
Jump Gymnastics - North Vancouver
Our gymnastics camps in Vancouver, Richmond, and North Van are for kids ages 4-7 years old. Children must be four years old by the start of camp to participate. We offer week long day camps (Monday to Friday) during Summer Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break. We also offer ProD Day Camps (School Closure Camps) throughout the school year. Instructional time in the gym is led by our gymnastics coaches; our camp team delivers high quality programming throughout the entire day. We offer full days of high quality camp programming from 9:00am to 3:00pm with flexible pick up and drop off half an hour before and after camp.
Our House Child Care Centre Winter Daycamp
Mount Pleasant Community Centre
We are thrilled to once again offer our popular Winter Break Daycamps for children 5-12 years old – Born 2012 - 2019. Children will participate in a variety of fun-filled activities and field trips. Program fees include transportation and admission costs. AM/PM Care for Break Programs is for children who require care before 9am and after 4pm, during our break programs. Full day Break Program registration is a pre-requisite for AM/PM Care. For PM Care, program fees include afternoon snack.
STEAM-ahead Winter Camps
Zen Maker Lab
Our Winter Camps ​are back this year with more fun than ever. Running from December 26th to January 5th our camps will be filled with awesome projects and activities.
Winter Break Day Camp | Explorers
City of Port Coquitlam
School's out, but the fun is in! Camp includes active games, crafts, exploring the trails, and swimming.
New Year Whistler Skiing Adventure
Vancouver Outdoors Society
Enjoy skiing in Whistler. Celebrate New years with Friends. Live in your own private room of Phoenix Magnet Academy. Meals and Transportation included.
My First Dance Camp (2-4 yrs)
Trout Lake Community Centre
An introduction to creative dance. Aspiring little dancers, along with their guardians, will use songs, movement explorations and games to explore coordination, rhythm, spatial awareness and cooperation. This class for the youngest of dancers to experience a playful class with the support of their parents being present. Parent/guardian participation is required. No class Jan 1.
Winter Day Camps at JCC of Greater Vancouver
JCC of Greater Vancouver
When there’s no school - there is always camp!
Winter Break Day Camp(5-12 yrs)
Trout Lake Community Centre
We are offering a fun-filled day camp during the winter school break. The camp leaders will provide a variety of age appropriate activities designed to engage, educate and entertain the campers. The camp will run from 9-3:30 pm. We anticipate that this camp will fill quickly so please register early to avoid disappointment. No class Jan 1.
KCCS Winter Break Day Camp (6-12yrs)
Killarney Community Centre
An action packed week of sports, games, crafts & more!
Winter Kid Camp
The World of Kidtropolis
Join our Kidtropolis Day Camps for Kids this December break. We always have a blast over the holiday season with lots of cool activities, experiments and play time for the kids.
Ocean Explorers Camp/PRO D DAY CAMPS
The Vancouver Aquarium
Experience an exclusive, in-depth day camp where your kids get to have safe and meaningful connections with the animals and animal experts at Vancouver Aquarium. Ocean Explorers is an opportunity for the young to be inspired and educated on all things marine life and a sustainable world in a hands-on, interactive way. They will build MiniMakers Kit and/or build wood projects using the Makers wood-safe tools and enjoy biology talks, guided tours, and science experiences. All this happens in our two classrooms in the AquaQuest building inside the Aquarium, including one interactive wet classroom and access to the Aquarium Galleries, Wet Lab, and 4D Theater. Start the journey today with Ocean Explorers Camps by MINIMAKERS, an o-fish-al partner of Vancouver Aquarium.
Jingle Bells Holiday Camp
IGen Education Group
Join our holiday camp that incorporates elements of engineering, science, and technology in every class, teaching STEAM concepts in a non-traditional and fun way from a young age!
Frozen Ballet Camp (3-5 yrs)
Trout Lake Community Centre
100% Frozen Soundtrack Music is played in this creative ballet class designed to ignite your dancers imagination. No experience required as dancers learn the basics of ballet and expression through movement. Costumes are welcome, but not required. Beginner friendly. Bring your camera! Presentation for parents on the last day! No class Jan 1.
Merry Makers Holiday Camp
IGen Education Group
Join our holiday camp that incorporates elements of Minecraft, engineering, drones, coding, and robotics, teaching STEAM concepts in a non-traditional and fun way from a young age!
Winter Break Day Camps
West End Community Centre Association
Our energetic and responsible leaders will ensure your day camp experience is a memorable one. We have created a camp program you won’t want to miss! Each week will include cooperative games & activities, arts & crafts, and out-trips. Each child should bring a backpack with a lunch, snack, water bottle, and dress for the appropriate weather conditions each day. Parents must complete a waiver form. Refunds for all day camps must be requested a minimum of 5 business days prior to the first day of camp each week. Business days are deemed Monday to Friday. $5.00 refund administration fee per program. No Camp Dec 25,26 and Jan 1.
Artificial Intelligence Learning Holiday Camp
IGen Education Group
Join our AI holiday camp that teaches young learners about a different type of artificial intelligence each day – from art AI to world tour guides and storybook-making AI – making them experts in that type of AI in just one day.
Winter Break Camp- Coal Harbour Community Centre
West End Community Centre Association
Our energetic and responsible leaders will ensure your day camp experience is a memorable one. We have created a camp program you won’t want to miss! Each week will include cooperative games & activities, arts & crafts, and out-trips. Each child should bring a backpack with a lunch, snack, water bottle, and dress for the appropriate weather conditions each day. Parents must complete a waiver form. Refunds for all day camps must be requested a minimum of 5 business days prior to the first day of camp each week. Business days are deemed Monday to Friday. $5.00 refund administration fee per program. There is a late pick up fee of $1 per minute. No Camp Dec 25, 26, Jan 1.
Winter Break Sports & Fun Camp
City of Port Coquitlam
Join us for Sports Camp! Our well-experienced instructors introduce individual and team-oriented fundamental skills in To Be Determined sports all while maintaining the fun of the game! We also take time to play fun games and go bowling & skating in the afternoon!