Abbotsford Early Years Centre | Kids Out and About Vancouver

Abbotsford Early Years Centre

33355 Bevan Ave.
Abbotsford , BC , V2S 0E7
Phone: 778-880-8554
Contact name: 
Abbotsford Early Years Centre
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
Abbotsford Early Years is designed to connect parents, caregivers and service providers in Abbotsford with tools and resources to support families of young children. We provide information on parenting, early childhood resources, referrals, and developmental screening. Abbotsford Early Years also offers numerous programs, including StrongStart, drop-ins and parenting supports. The Early Years Centre is located at the Sweeney Neighbourhood Centre at 33355 Bevan Avenue, Abbotsford. Please visit the Centre, this website, or our Facebook page for the current schedule.

Abbotsford Early Years Centre

The Abbotsford Early Years Centre, located in the Sweeney Neighbourhood Centre adjacent to Abbotsford Senior Secondary, is a one-stop location for parents to find out information about learning, health and family services - including child care, parenting, child development, referrals for social supports, special needs services, early intervention therapies, and public health services.
The Abbotsford Early Years Centres represent a range of innovative approaches offering one-stop, convenient access to information, services and referrals for families with young children. If you don't speak English you can request information in the following languages: French, Spanish, Russian Romanian, Bulgarian. We offer a variety of programs, services and supports tailored to the Abbotsford community such as:

* Mother Goose, * Strong Start, * Saturday Family Fun & Story Time, * Learn, Laugh and Play, * Little Bears, * IPALS

The role of the Abbotsford Early Years Centre is:

  • To be a welcoming and supportive physical or virtual place.
  • To welcome diversity.
  • To offer a range of services and programs encompassing health, education and early childhood development.


33355 Bevan Ave.
Abbotsford, BC, V2S 0E7



Saturday Family Fun & Storytime

9 am - 12 pm