Abbotsford Early Years Centre

Abbotsford Early Years Centre
The Abbotsford Early Years Centre, located in the Sweeney Neighbourhood Centre adjacent to Abbotsford Senior Secondary, is a one-stop location for parents to find out information about learning, health and family services - including child care, parenting, child development, referrals for social supports, special needs services, early intervention therapies, and public health services.
The Abbotsford Early Years Centres represent a range of innovative approaches offering one-stop, convenient access to information, services and referrals for families with young children. If you don't speak English you can request information in the following languages: French, Spanish, Russian Romanian, Bulgarian. We offer a variety of programs, services and supports tailored to the Abbotsford community such as:
* Mother Goose, * Strong Start, * Saturday Family Fun & Story Time, * Learn, Laugh and Play, * Little Bears, * IPALS
The role of the Abbotsford Early Years Centre is:
- To be a welcoming and supportive physical or virtual place.
- To welcome diversity.
- To offer a range of services and programs encompassing health, education and early childhood development.