Acorn 8 Oaks Daycare | Kids Out and About Vancouver

Acorn 8 Oaks Daycare

3637 Cambie St #103
Vancouver , BC , V5Z 2X3
Phone: (604) 872-0022
Contact name: 
Daphne Sweeney
Business/organization type: 
What our organization offers: 
Subjects / Categories: 
Acorn 8 Oaks Daycare is licensed under the Provincial Child Care Regulation of the Community Care Facility Act to provide care for 25 full time equivalent children aged 30 months to 5 years. We welcome and encourage the inclusion of children who require extra support. Acorn Daycare has an ongoing contract with the Ministry for Children and Families, to include children with extra support needs. Acorn Daycare is a non profit society and registered charity in good standing run by an elected board of director's comprised of parents and volunteers. All families using the centre become voting members of the Acorn Daycare Society, and agree to abide by the constitution and by-laws and policies, which govern the society.