Daedalos Enrichment Programs | Kids Out and About Vancouver

Daedalos Enrichment Programs

Daedalos Academy
Vancouver , BC , V6T 1K3
Phone: (604) 345-8603
Contact name: 
Daedalos Enrichment Programs
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
Coding, Building, Computational Thinking, Teamwork, Lots of fun!! At Daedalos After School Robotics Programs, kids create, build, program and operate robotic animals, machines and vehicles using LEGO® Education WeDo and Mindstorms Robotics with Computer Programming. On the way they learn computational and critical thinking, problem solving and teamwork skills. We place your child into grade level appropriate activities based on skill, ability, experience and preference. Returning students from After School Programs will be placed in more advanced levels with new sets of activities that will challenge them further.
