Upper Lonsdale Preschool | Kids Out and About Vancouver

Upper Lonsdale Preschool

3380 Lonsdale Ave
North Vancouver , BC , V7N 3K2
Phone: 604.988.8710
Contact name: 
Erin Tommasi
Business/organization type: 
What our organization offers: 
Subjects / Categories: 
Upper Lonsdale Preschool encourages parents and caregivers to take part in the children's preschool experiences. As a ULP parent you are welcome to be involved in the classroom in a manner that is convenient for you. We offer an eclectic play based program for 3- and 4-year-olds that builds on children's natural curiosity, creativity and imagination. The program embodies respect, cooperation and open communication. Since its conception in 1954, the preschool has created a niche in the Upper Lonsdale community, and has given a good start in life to hundreds of alumni that hold their preschool years dear in their hearts and minds. We are a board-run non-profit preschool, overseen by Vancouver Coastal Health and regulated by the Government of British Columbia.