Vayusha Yoga | Kids Out and About Vancouver

Vayusha Yoga

#316, 2630 Croydon Drive
Surrey , BC , V3Z 6T3
Phone: 778.988.9642
Contact name: 
Brooke Wilhelmson, Studio Manager
Business/organization type: 
What our organization offers: 
Vayusha Yoga is located in South Surrey, a vibrant and friendly community, known throughout the Lower Mainland for it's sunshine and beaches! Our Yoga studio specializes in many different styles of Yoga with a fresh and nurturing community twist, fostering new ideas and approaches without losing the center of Yoga's rich traditions.


Beginners thrive in most classes, which range from relaxing, stretch-filled Hatha routines to Flow sessions brimming with deep breaths and sun salutations. The temperature rises for Fast Flow classes, focused on conditioning and building a strong core based foundation to help you stay safe and aware of your body through balances and basic inversions.